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The course you need in order to learn how to write through your pain to share the healing!!

Marble Surface

Fact #1- We all have a story that will help someone else.

Fact #2 - Sometimes we're scared to tell it because we're not fully recovered from it.

I found both of these things to be true and then ... I learned to write my way through the pain. In writing, I was able to get my feelings out but more importantly, it provided the reflection time that I needed to be able to see the lesson and heal. The result??

*One Bible Study Workbook

* A series of journals

* A planner designed just for writers (coming soon!)

* A day in a YouVersion App reading plan read by thousands

* 9 chapters in 9 different anthologies, 4 of which became Amazon Bestsellers. 

Not to mention having my blogs, writing for online publications, and even writing for others from time to time!

So yeah, I have receipts! (😉)

Starting this January, I’d love to walk with you on your healing journey as you write out your testimony for the world to see. Maybe you’ll start a blog, write for an anthology, or write your own book. Whatever you chose, there is someone waiting for your voice! Join me for

By Our Testimonies - A Yearlong Confidence and Writing Coaching Program

  • A year of coaching with me!

  • Confidence building strategies that can be used in any and every facet of life but will enhance your story tremendously

  • The ins and outs of writer life from how to tell your story, when to pull back some of the details, and how to extract the lesson from your situation

  • How to start a blog, write a book and become a part of an anthology project

  • A private Facebook group with your class members

  • My exclusive Writer’s Planner

  • Coaching sessions from industry experts in trauma, mindset, writing, and publishing

A Woman Writing by the Window
Monthly Option
  • Access to the course and digital workbook for Be the Overcomer!

  • Discounts on physical book

  • Discount on one-on-one coaching sessions

Image by Daniel Thomas

Pay in Full!!

  • A hardcover Writer’s Planner shipped to you before the start of class

  • A monthly one-on-one session with me

Marble Surface

- Antonia Green

Dallas, TX

Marble Surface

"OMG! ... As I go through this, I am finding confirmation that I am on the right path!”

— Brenda Gallows


“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for today’s conversation. It filled me with so much hope, confidence and the confirmation I needed to move forward.”

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