Fact #1- We all have a story that will help someone else.
Fact #2 - Sometimes we're scared to tell it because we're not fully recovered from it.
I found both of these things to be true and then ... I learned to write my way through the pain. In writing, I was able to get my feelings out but more importantly, it provided the reflection time that I needed to be able to see the lesson and heal. The result??
*One Bible Study Workbook
* A series of journals
* A planner designed just for writers (coming soon!)
* A day in a YouVersion App reading plan read by thousands
* 9 chapters in 9 different anthologies, 4 of which became Amazon Bestsellers.
Not to mention having my blogs, writing for online publications, and even writing for others from time to time!
So yeah, I have receipts! (😉)
Starting this January, I’d love to walk with you on your healing journey as you write out your testimony for the world to see. Maybe you’ll start a blog, write for an anthology, or write your own book. Whatever you chose, there is someone waiting for your voice! Join me for
By Our Testimonies - A Yearlong Confidence and Writing Coaching Program
A year of coaching with me!
Confidence building strategies that can be used in any and every facet of life but will enhance your story tremendously
The ins and outs of writer life from how to tell your story, when to pull back some of the details, and how to extract the lesson from your situation
How to start a blog, write a book and become a part of an anthology project
A private Facebook group with your class members
My exclusive Writer’s Planner
Coaching sessions from industry experts in trauma, mindset, writing, and publishing

- Antonia Green
Dallas, TX

"OMG! ... As I go through this, I am finding confirmation that I am on the right path!”
— Brenda Gallows
“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for today’s conversation. It filled me with so much hope, confidence and the confirmation I needed to move forward.”